Friday 18 November 2016

Tips For Dental Health in the Holidays

This is a great time of the year.  With the Holiday season coming we are all getting ready to be with family and enjoy each other company.  I love the extra time spent with family and friends and also all the yummy treats that come along with it.  Let's face it Fall starts with Pumpkin Spice Latte's and ends up with new years toasts.  Between these months are simply lots of get-togethers and lots of snacks and drinks being consumed.  That is why I think it is important to keep up with your dental routine and maybe even adding to it this season.  It is important to prevent issues from happening and all these extra get-togethers can bring on a lot of tooth decay and plaque. So I wanted to go over a few tips to help keep you and your family healthy this year.


The first tip that comes to mind is a good one and one that I plan on trying to work into my holiday season.  I think it is wise to cut back a little on all the sweets this year.  I love seasonal snacks and drinks and it would be blasphemy to not actually indulge a little, but it is better to not go all in if you can help it.  I think that maybe not eating as many sticky or gummy sugary treats is a worthwhile investment for your teeth.  Especially, if you know you are close to some big cavities or feeling sensitivity.  It may simply be wise to cut back a good amount on the snacks.  2nds or thrids of pie may not be necessary for every single meal!  


Add in some water between your sweet or alcoholic drinks.  It is really smart to keep drinking water during this time of year.  It is a great thing to stay hydrated because it helps your dental health in a few different ways.  Drinking water helps to rinse your mouth from all those things that may cause plaque to build up or to eat away at your tooth enamel.  That is why taking some drinks of water in between those snacks and meals is a great thing to do.  It also has a secondary benefit of keeping you hydrated.  This allows your body to produce the right amount of saliva which helps to clean your mouth.  I always think of saliva like natural mouthwash and that is a really great way to double down on dental health. 


The next tip I think is really important is to start flossing during this time of year.  With all the extra treats and sweets, many things may get stuck in your teeth that you are not seeing.  With these foods and drinks being more sweet, sugary, or acidic it is wise to get all that out of your mouth.  I honestly hate flossing, but I did find floss sticks to help me get over my hatred of it.  I now don't have to touch the string or get my fingers in my mouth with flossing sticks.  So think about giving those a try at the end of the day for the next few months.

I think it is also important to brush your teeth an extra time per day during this time of year.  You can protect your teeth more and maybe even keep them a bit brighter.  It really is wise to be as preventative as you can when it comes to your health and this is a great way to do it.

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